The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg this past week left me so sad, and yet also so inspired about the life and legacy of this remarkable human being. As a woman of the highest court, she fought for justice and always looked out for the underdog. She had a spirit about her that people flocked to and she was unabashedly authentic. Justice Ginsberg will be remembered for her impact on the women’s rights movement, uncanny ability to provide both humor and fight in her speeches, and sincere love of serving of our country. She stayed steadfast to the cause and never let anything or anyone deter her.

Ginsberg’s work ethic was unmatched. From attending law school for both she and her husband, to supporting her family and fighting for equality, she had a fire inside of her that propelled past what many would consider insurmountable obstacles. She was an overcomer. Ginsberg was never looking to stand out and become the “Notorious RBG.” She became those things by doing what she always did; she did her job to the best of her ability with an attitude of strength, passion, and grace. That’s what made Justice Ginsberg so special. She was consistent and true to herself every day and people across the world fell in love with her because she never strayed from the path of righteousness.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg is our inspiration to STAND OUT! So many times, I see people trying to slide under the radar. I notice people sitting in the back row at meeting or class. I watch people avoid eye contact when someone asks for “volunteers,” and turn their eyes away when they see someone hurting. You see, people think that if they do “just enough” the world will leave them alone and they can continue to hide. The problem is, the only thing on the other side of the avoidance is resentment and isolation. Your true joy comes out when you step out of the darkness and work so hard that the light pierces through the sky – — and we NEED that light y’all!
Justice Ginsberg stepped into the fire and made an impact that changed our world forever. Regardless of what political party you come from, we need more people like her in the world so below are 3 things that you can do now to become your own trailblazer.
- Own your uniqueness. The things that are quirky, silly, “different,” about you —- do more of that. My favorite pictures are the one where the kids are running everywhere, the milk is spilling off the table, and you’re wearing two different shoes (or is that just me?!). The “realness” is what makes us special and if you own that, you will walk a little taller and step into a confidence like none other.
- Speak less, but more boldly. I gotta confess y’all- this one is a work in progress for me, but it is so important. When Justice Ginsberg would speak everyone’s ears perked up. You never knew what was going to come out of her mouth, but you knew that it would be honest, authentic, and powerful, and you wanted to hang onto every word. I’ve been in way too many meetings where people talk for hours about nothing. When you speak, speak in a way that manifests something better into the world. Our communication is so important and if you save your input for the moments of true impact – you will make more changes than you ever thought possible.
- Model the Way. You can’t just tell people what you want, you have to go live it. Every single day of your life, live in a way that makes people understand your beliefs just by watching you. Ask yourself this: without using words, what can I see in the way you live that shows me your values and purpose? Think about it and then go do more of that. Simple, but very very very hard to do!

One of my favorite RBG quotes says, “fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” Now, more than ever we need leaders to stand out, step up, and be bold. Then, we need these same leaders to reach out their hands and pull someone up beside them. Journeys are meant to be shared and the people that stand out the most are also the ones that have the most people following them. When you stand out, people take notice, they take action, and they follow.
You were born to stand out so stop blending in, start standing out, and be a little more “notorious.” RBG Forever.
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