“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.” John Lennon
I’ve been doing a lot of dreaming lately. Dreaming of going out into public without a mask, taking my kids to the park again, going to church, a restaurant, etc., etc. I’ve also been doing a lot of dreaming about my life’s purpose – what type of environment I want to create for my family, how I can grow my business and career, and the type of service that I want to provide for this world.
Have any of you been dreaming?

The tough and often negative world around us has me dreaming of better days to come. Some people may be skeptical of dreamers during such horrific times, but I’m here to tell you that dreaming is good! We can cope with what’s currently going on in the world AND focus on what’s to come. We can go through this challenging time AND also use it as a springboard to better ourselves and serve those around us.
I’ve always been a dreamer. As a child, I had so many dreams that I wanted to accomplish…. first female football coach, the next Oprah, an ESPN reporter, become Jerry Maguire, create my own nonprofit, and open my own fitness center just to name a few. While those dreams may have changed “slightly,” my passion for dreaming hasn’t slowed down one bit. My dreams today center upon what I want for my children and my family. I dream about a contribution I want to provide to others and the joy that I want to spread throughout the world. In other words, my new “grown up” dreams are more important than ever before.
I hope you’re still dreaming too. Wherever you are, no matter how hard it seems, or how impossible the world looks, please keep dreaming. One of my favorite quotes by Geroge Eliot says, “it’s never too late to be what you might have been.” Today is the day that you can be anything you want so let’s get started.
My challenge to y’all during a national pandemic is to KEEP DREAMING! Can you imagine if we used this incredibly challenging time to dream?!
If you take time to dream it will:
- Connect you to your inner self and higher purpose
- Create more positivity in your life and those around you
- Drive and motivate you during a time when many people feel “stuck”
- Encourage growth and learning so that you can show up at your very best
- Inspire the world
This pandemic is a constant reminder of what truly matters and I encourage each of you to use this time to dream and then, together, let’s make your biggest and boldest dreams come true. After all, it’s never too late!
Let’s dream big and change the world starting right now.
I’ll see ya out there my dreamers.

Wonderful message during a challenging time.
Hope and dreaming are closely related. Hope provides the fuel to chase our dreams.
Thank you so much Carl & yes me too! L.E.T