I hope that this page serves as a resource to connect you to leadership & wellness resources that will be game-changers in your life. I will continue to update this page with the latest and greatest resources and communities to help you live your undefeated heart life!
Harvard Business Review: https://hbr.org/ – What better way to be updated than with articles and research from some of the top researchers in the country?! This is one of my go-to places for rock solid statistics, innovation, and cutting edge research.
Center for Creative Leadership – https://www.ccl.org/ – This website is chock full of research, white papers, webinars, and articles. I also love that it is sorted by various industry so you can hone in on topics easily.
Michael Hyatt – https://michaelhyatt.com/blog/ – As a parent of 2 young girls, I value and demand productivity and efficiency with my work so that I can spend as much time as possible with my family. Michael is one of the very best in the industry and I highly recommend his blog, product, resources.
- The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast: https://johnmaxwellleadershippodcast.com/ – You can’t do leadership without this guy! Powerful and inspiring with a foundational basis of long-term research and personal experience this one is a must have on your list!
- Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/oprahs-supersoul-conversations/id1264843400 – I mean it’s Oprah, need a I say more?! Her interviews are beautiful, insightful, and will leave you with a reinvigorated gratitude for life. Also, check out her MasterClass podcast http://www.oprah.com/app/master-class.html
- Tony Robbins: https://www.tonyrobbins.com/podcasts/ – I mean who doesn’t love this guy?! Tough love, tells it like it is, and a desire to truly help people. These are some of my favorite motivational messages for the drive into work.
- The Brendon Show: https://brendon.com/podcast/ -Brendon Burchard is one of my role models and favorite people in the business. He does it well and he does it right. If there is one listen I would recommend for every day – it’s this one!
- St. Luke’s United Methodist Church: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/st-lukes-united-methodist-church-houston-texas/id170258744– If faith and spirituality is a part of your journey, I really encourage these sermons from Dr. Tom Pace. I had the privilege to be a member of this church when we lived in Houston and can testify firsthand how incredible he is. You will walk away from his messages with a smile and renewed sense of faith.
Health and Wellness:
Beachbody: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/ – As a Beachbody Coach I and customer for over 10 years, I can say with confidence that this company will change your life. Also, their product, Shakeology, is a MUST add to your diet for energy, vitality, and that good feeling of great health. If you want any specific workouts to try, more information on challenge groups or getting coached by yours truly, check out the Beachbody tab at the top.
Kombucha: This fermented tea has dozens of flavors and is a gamechanger. Originally recognized as the “tea of immortality” by the Chinese this is my go-to to help with digestion and immune health. It is also known to help reduce blood pressure and support liver function. It’s pricey, but when you have a few extra dollars, it’s worth it! My favorite flavor is: https://health-ade.com/pages/bubbly-rose and my favorite budget conscious flavor is through Costco https://www.costcobusinessdelivery.com/kirkland-signature-organic-raw-kombucha%2C-ginger-lemonade%2C-16-oz%2C-8-ct.product.100340647.html
Headspace: http://www.headspace.com – an easy to use meditation app that has anywhere from 5 minutes – 30 minute sessions in a wide variety of topics. This meditation app is perfect for all levels.
Quest: https://www.questnutrition.com/# – I LOVE their products for a quick nutritional snack. They are low in sugar and the company is constantly coming out with new and innovative products. Tom Bilyeu, their founder, just “gets it” and does a lot of work around leadership. He also has his own podcast, Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu, that just got added to my own personal playlist!
Yoga: As a 200 RYT yoga instructor, I can’t encourage yoga enough. There are hundreds of studios, online practices, and books that you can begin your practice. Please feel free to reach out to me directly for more information on what’s best for you!
- Mind Body Green – https://www.mindbodygreen.com/ – connecting soul and science, this podcast brings in various health and wellness experts throughout the world focused on making you better through practical everyday habits
- Baptiste Yoga with Brandon Compagnone – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/baptiste-power-yoga-with-brandon-compagnone/id1211843719 – I was trained in a Baptiste Yoga studio myself, so there is a bit of a bias here most likely, but Brian’s power flow classes and inspiring methods of push and love are my favorite types of yoga workouts
Mom Life:
Instacart: www.instacart.com – $99 for a year. You still pay a tip to your drive, but I honestly save a ton of money with this because I don’t peruse the aisles and purchase things I don’t need. Also, the convenience of picking what time I want my groceries to be delivered and not having to take 2 small children there is completely worth it. This is my sanity!
Amazon: I know, I know this one is obvious, but hear me out – my amazon “saved” cart is FULL. Anytime a family member, friend, or colleague mentions something that they want or are interested in, I save it in my amazon cart and then have tons of ideas for gifts. I can track when things go on sale and buy things ahead of time too. I also love the birthday/anniversary reminders that you can set along with recommendations for each specific person. Did I mention that I also save things for myself? Anytime someone asks for a gift recommendation for me I can scroll through and easily send them some ideas. I LOVE amazon!
- Coffee & Crumbs – https://www.coffeeandcrumbs.net/ – I can’t get enough of this podcast! The women are real, funny, and incredibly insightful and have great show notes with links to practical and applicable information
- Brilliantly Balanced – https://cherylanneskolnicki.com/podcast/ – this podcast is perfect of my Type A personality as Cherylanne provides lessons, tips, and advice on how to get it all done.
- Risen Motherhood – https://www.risenmotherhood.com/podcast Honest conversations that provide reflections of motherhood through the gospel. The guests and topics are always exactly what I need and a great way to keep things in perspective in our hectic lives.
- Working Mothers Mentor – https://www.theworkingmothersmentor.com/podcasts/ – a great reminder that we are not alone in dealing with the chaos of work/motherhood. The podcasts interviews different high profile executives to provide tips and advice for working mothers across the world. If CEO’s can figure it out, so can I (at least I hope so!)
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