
The undefeated heart



“It’s Never Too Late To Be What You Might Have Been” ~George Eliot

January 1, 2020

And so it begins. I’ve dreamed about this blog for so long. I’ve read countless leadership books and articles, feverishly studied the research, taught leadership courses in higher education, sports, business, and the nonprofit sector, and provided leadership consulting across the country, but the place I always dreamed about teaching the most was right here. […]

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And so it begins. I’ve dreamed about this blog for so long. I’ve read countless leadership books and articles, feverishly studied the research, taught leadership courses in higher education, sports, business, and the nonprofit sector, and provided leadership consulting across the country, but the place I always dreamed about teaching the most was right here. A place that anyone around the world can have access to. A place that I could share leadership in a manner that is inspiring while also being practical. A place that pushes you physically, mentally, and emotionally to be better than you ever thought possible. A place that feels like home and your dreams all at once. A place for YOU.

Throughout my leadership journey, I developed strong health and well-being practices as a yoga instructor, runner, occasional distance running coach, and certified health and wellness coach and I realized early on that well-being and leadership are connected, integrated, and complimentary of one another. If we are feeling our best internally, then we have the best opportunity to lead others successfully. Vice versa, if we are trying to take better care of our own well-being then we must enhance our personal leadership skills in order to achieve our strongest self. It is with this belief that I begin this blog which I hope will provide you with the best training possible in both wellness and leadership development. Think of it as a one-stop shop for everything you need to live your highest, most purposeful life.

There are thousands of health sites that promote exercise and nutrition and countless leadership sites that provide training for future leaders, but what’s missing from the information currently available is a place that provides BOTH leadership and wellness. Through my blog, services, and the resources provided in the website, you will find the support to take care of yourself personally and become a powerful leader for the world. I hope that my messages will help you continuously improve, lead others effectively, and change the world for the better.

“It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” This quote by George Eliot is my sacred beginning to The Undefeated Heart blog as it stands for possibility. 18 years ago today was one of the worst days of my life. I woke up in a hospital bed with doctors surrounding me yelling that there was no way I should be alive. 18 years later, I am the proud mother of two beautiful girls, wife to the best husband on the planet, daughter, sister, friend, yoga instructor, marathoner, servant of God, leadership educator, and change maker. My dreams have exceeded everything I thought possible…… but it wasn’t always that way.

Through difficult and challenging work, constant mistakes, an incredible support network, and a fierce belief in God, I transformed my life into one that I am so proud of and one that I work to protect every day. I learned the skills to overcome even the toughest of situations and had my heart open in a way that allowed me to embrace the incredible miracle of every single moment. Through the depths of pain, I found a joy for life. My work for you is a testament to the belief that it is NEVER too late and there is ALWAYS a reason to do, be and give your best. It is my hope that no matter where you are in your own life, you will find peace in knowing that you are not alone and there is a path to create a life better than you could ever imagine.

103 year old runner
Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins

Through this blog we will share lots of laughs, many tough lessons, and most importantly, an undefeated heart to take on the world. The time is now. This is the start of your miracle and I can’t wait to go on this adventure with you.

Let’s do this!


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  1. Adam Richey says:

    Hey Lauren! Congratulations on putting your dreams into action! I’ll do my best to follow along! I’m interested to see more! As you know I manage a car dealership with 10-14 salesman and I’m always looking for things to make me a better leader!

    Adam Richey

    • LCW says:

      Thanks so much Adam-That means so much coming from a rockstar like you! Hope you and the family are doing great and you are surviving the chaos of man to man defense now!
      Happy New Year!

  2. Kathy Spangler says:

    Dear Lauren,

    I am a novice at following blogs, but I am all in. I am up learning new things and challenging myself even at my age.
    All the best.

    • LCW says:

      Thanks so much Kathy! Hopefully mine will be fairly easy to follow and I would love your feedback as we go and LOVE that you are still learning. I hope to always be doing the same. Miss and love you!

  3. Tony says:

    Congratulations on the launch of your blog and associated services. The George Eliot quote provides sound counsel and inspiration for all of us. Truly appreciate your approach to integrate leadership with health and well-being. Check out the George Mason University, which has focused their entire institution around the promotion of well being. Additionally, they have a coach training program called Leadership Coaching for Organizational Well Being. Please let me know if there is some way I can support you! All the best!

    • LCW says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words! That is wonderful to hear that George Mason has put dedicated resources toward this area – I will definitely check it out. All my best, LCW

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I'm Lauren and I can't wait to help you create the life you dreamed of.... and more! 

I am a working mom with 3 kids, 2 dogs, and an incredible husband just trying to figure it all out.  I am passionate about wellness, leadership, and changing the world for the better and I cannot wait to go on this journey with you! 

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