With the celebration of Easter this past weekend, I am taking a deep breath and diving into April renewed. I’ve noticed the heaviness of my clients’ hearts these last few weeks as they struggle to navigate a time that should be leaving us inspired for the future but, instead, is leaving us asking, “why is it still so darn hard?!”
The grind is real, the challenges seem to only get bigger, and the weight of the world often feels like it’s simply too much. While many people throw out the whole “God never gives you more than you can handle,” phrase in these types of situations, what inspired me this Easter Sunday was thinking about the old adage in a slightly different way. What if, instead of that overused expression above, we asked ourselves, “What if God never gives me more than he wants me to impact?”

Maybe these “heavy” things that come our way aren’t about trying to “be tough, stay strong, and push forward,” but instead were about what I can create, give, and love that makes the world better? Maybe our challenges aren’t about “toughening us up,” but instead about giving us windows to serve the world.
As we begin a new month, let the Rebirth of the season open your eyes to a new way of being and serving. Instead of focusing on hardening, let’s focus on opening, loving, and giving, Let’s see what happens when we stop acting tough and start BEING LOVE.
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