2020 has not been easy, but as someone who is committed to helping you “make lemons out of lemonade,” I feel compelled to share that I’ve also had an incredibly magical year as I’ve gotten to spend lots of “little” moments with my daughters. 2020 has allowed me to watch them grow in the “little ways” that life out of quarantine would have not permitted. Our children are changing right before our eyes and the little things are the memories that we will treasure forever.
I love the little parts of our day so much. I love helping my older daughter learn letters, shapes, and numbers and helping my baby explore the world as she went from to crawling to walking to full on sprinting! I love the stories and cuddles before bed, the wake-up routine where the girls get so excited to see each other, mealtimes with our entire family, and walks with 4 humans and 2 dogs in our beautiful neighborhood. It’s the prayer and kiss before bedtime, the pancake breakfast on the weekends, and the mess of them wanting to “help” me cook meals or bake cookies (and chocolate chip banana bread, who are we kidding?!) that make this hard time also very special.

My older daughter learned a prayer that we often say before we eat that goes like this: “Thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you God for EVERYTHING.” I am so grateful to God for these little moments. My heart has never been more full and, despite the stress, anxiety, and fear that has plagued me during this tumultuous year, the little things have filled me with more hope and joy than ever before. The gratitude I’ve felt for the touch of a hand or an extra tight hug from my 2 little angels has given me memories and love that will last a lifetime.
People say that the “days are long, but the years are short” and I don’t think that’s ever been more true than right now. While I’m not sure what the future holds, what I know for sure is that I am going to soak up every little moment as much as I possibly can because, when I look back, I know that those little things will be EVERYTHING.
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